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Boost Media Privacy Policy

BOOST MEDIA INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD (ACN 135 060 954) (Boost, we, our or us) recognises and respects the importance of your privacy and understands your concerns about the security of the personal information which is provided to us.

We are sensitive to privacy issues and take seriously the ongoing trust our business associates have placed in us. 

We are committed to compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which detail how personal information may be collected, used, disclosed, stored and destroyed, and how an individual may gain access to, or make complaints about, the personal information held about them in Australia or by those Australian companies bound by the Privacy Act. 

We operate globally and commit to compliance with applicable privacy laws in those territories which offer the same protections, rights and obligations as the Privacy Act and APPs.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or about an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

Sensitive information, a sub-set of personal information, is information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, political association membership, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, professional or trade association membership, trade union membership, sexual orientation or practices or criminal record, and includes health information and genetic information.  

This Privacy Policy details how we manage personal information we collect, use and hold.

In the course of doing business, we endeavour to collect business information only. However, the collection of personal information in some instances is necessary or unavoidable. 

What personal information we collect and hold


We provide strategic revenue growth solutions for digital, television, radio, outdoor and print media operators as well as an exclusive media advisory service (the Boost Business Services).

The kinds of personal information we collect from you or about you depend on your engagement with us, the Boost Business Services you or your organisation have contracted us to provide or any part of them, and the Boost Business Services you or your organisation are interested in.  

Generally, we collect and hold the following types of personal information in the course of providing the Boost Business Services:

If you represent a media company, we may collect your name, address, phone numbers, email address, and your dietary requirements (for attendance at our catered functions and events). 

If you represent an advertiser or potential advertiser, we may collect your name, address, phone number, email address, summary information about you and your business, your dietary requirements (for attendance at our catered functions and events), and billing information.  

If you are a vendor to us or our customers and clients, we may collect your name, address, phone number and email address.  

We may request other forms of personal information from you if the need arises. We collect and use information that is necessary for the provision of the Boost Business Services.

In providing the Boost Business Services, we do not typically collect and hold Sensitive information, save for the details of any dietary requirements that you might provide to us as part of your RSVP to a catered event.


When you browse our website (, contact us electronically, or engage with us on social media, we may also record geographical tagging, cookies, your IP address and statistical data from your activity. We may use your personal information to customise and improve your user experience on our website and other social media platforms.  By using our website, you agree that we can record this information from your device and access them when you visit the site in the future. 

If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the help and support area on your internet browser for instructions on how to locate the file or directory that stores cookies. Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our site.

How we collect and hold personal information

We will collect personal information directly from you as a consumer or business customer, unless it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to do so. For example, we may collect personal information from you through telephone calls and other interactions with our employees and contractors, your emails and other correspondence to us or our employees and contractors, account set up for the website, RSVPs to our events, and enquiries and contracts for use of our services.  

In some instances, we may also receive information about you from third parties such as associated businesses, and vendors, including venues, AV and production companies, caterers, printing suppliers, creative agencies, database vendors and suppliers, and telemarketing companies.

We will record your email address if you send us an email and store this in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will use this email address for reasonable purposes as outlined in this Privacy Policy and/or in accordance with all applicable laws.

If you choose not to provide your personal information, then we may not be able to provide you with our full range of services.

You can be anonymous or use a pseudonym when dealing with us, unless the use of your true identity is a legal requirement, or it is impracticable for us to deal with you on such basis.

Why we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information 

We will primarily collect, hold, use and disclose personal information where it is reasonably necessary for us to carry out our Boost Business Services functions and activities.  

We may also use personal information for related purposes which you would reasonably expect, such as providing details about other services offered by us or third parties, as well as any promotions or offers, including deals with any third-party vendors and suppliers where relevant. Where we wish to use or disclose your personal information for other purposes, we will obtain your consent. 

Where we use your personal information for marketing and promotional communications, you can opt out at any time by notifying us. Opt out procedures are also included on all of our marketing and promotional communications.

If we do not collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information, or if you do not consent, then we may not be able to answer your enquiry, complete the transaction you have entered into, or provide Boost Business Services that you or your organisation have contracted us to provide. 

In some cases, we will disclose your personal information to third parties, such as business customers or other parties with whom we contract in order to provide you the Boost Business Services, or to connect you directly to those third parties. We will endeavour to ensure that third parties to whom we disclose any personal information are bound by confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (where applicable) if they are not otherwise required to adhere to the Privacy Act and APPs or similar applicable privacy and/or data protection laws in the jurisdiction in which that third party is based or contracted to provide services. 

The third parties with whom we contract include, our digital ad agencies, events suppliers, including venues, AV and production companies, caterers, printing suppliers, creative agencies, database suppliers, telemarketing companies, the operators of our event registration platforms, providing platform for potential leads and advertisers for client access. Some of these suppliers are located within Australia, and others are overseas.  Further detail about these third parties can be supplied on request to us. 

We may also disclose personal information, collected by us:

  • where we have sought your specific consent;

  • in accordance with the Privacy Act, or similar privacy and/or data protection laws applying to the Boost Business Services; or 

  • to third parties where required or permitted by law (including but not limited to government departments and enforcement bodies in any jurisdiction to which we or you are accountable). 

How we hold, store and keep secure personal information

Your personal information is held and stored electronically, in the cloud and is encrypted on a server. We have electronic and procedural safeguards in place and take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is protected at all times from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Our staff receive regular training on these privacy procedures. 

Please be aware that personal information provided by email may not be secure. If you have any concerns regarding the security of your personal information, please provide it in an alternate form, such as facsimile or post.

Destruction and de-identification

We will retain personal information collected by us whilst it is required for any of our business functions including but not limited to providing the Boost Business Services or any part of them, or for any other lawful purpose.  

We will take reasonable steps and use secure methods to destroy or de-identify personal information that is no longer required for any purpose for which the personal information may be used under this Policy or otherwise in accordance with the Privacy Act and APPs.  When your personal information is no longer needed, electronic records are deleted.

Overseas Disclosure

We share your personal information with our business associates (where strictly relevant to provide the Boost Business Services). In the course of doing business with you, we are likely to disclose some of your personal information to overseas recipients. However, we will only do so where:

it is necessary to complete the transaction you have entered into; and 

you have provided consent; or 

we believe on reasonable grounds that the overseas recipient is required to deal with your personal information by enforceable laws which are similar to the requirements under the APPs; or 

it is otherwise permitted by law.  

Boost is part of a global network and our overseas affiliates, including data base contractors, vendors, and Boost Group companies and employees, are located in Malaysia, India, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and United States.  

The Boost Group’s worldwide companies include:

Boost Media International Pty Limited (Aus)

Boost Media Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) 

Boost Media International LLC (US)

Requests for Access and Correction

We have procedures in place for dealing with and responding to requests for access to, and correction of, the personal information held about you. 

In most cases, we expect that we will be able to comply with your request and you will be able to gain access to personal information held about you by us. We may provide you with this information verbally or in writing, as may be appropriate and on reasonable request.  Where we do not agree to provide you with details of personal information, we will give you written reasons for our decision.

We rely on the personal information we hold to efficiently provide our services, including but not limited to the Boost Business Services.  For this reason, it is very important that the personal information we collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date at all times. We will take reasonable steps to amend or correct any personal information held by us to keep it accurate and up to date provided always that you notify us of any change to personal information which becomes known to you at any time. 

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer at 

Data Breaches 

If we suspect we have suffered a data breach, we will undertake an assessment into the circumstances of the suspected breach within 30 days after the suspected breach has occurred or such shorter time period as is required by law. 

Notification to Privacy Commissioner

Where it is determined a breach has actually occurred and where we are required by law to do so (due to a loss in, or unauthorised access to Personal information) we will notify the Privacy Commissioner and affected individuals as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware that serious harm is likely to be suffered. 

We will also notify the Privacy Commissioner at all other times where we are otherwise required to make a disclosure in accordance with the Privacy Act and specifically the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme, a mandatory data breach notification regime in Australia.

Complaints and Concerns

We have procedures in place for dealing with any complaints and concerns about our practices in relation to the Privacy Act, any alleged breach of this Privacy Policy or any of our other business practices which relate to privacy and data protection. We will respond to your complaint in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Privacy Act and APPs and at all times in good faith. 

Our Privacy Officer can be contacted via email at to discuss or attempt to resolve any complaints relating to the collection, storage and use of your personal information.  

Changes to this Privacy Statement

It may be necessary for us to review and revise our Privacy Policy from time to time. An amended version will be posted on our website at We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

How to Contact Us

Privacy Officer

Boost Media International Pty Ltd

Suite 41/26–32 Jones Bay Wharf

Pyrmont NSW 2009





Boost Media International Pty Ltd 

Suite 41/26–32
Pirrama Road

Pyrmont NSW 2009 




Unit No. 2H-08-45

Jewellery & Gemplex 2

Dubai, UAE



Boost Privacy Policy

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